ActiveTO and CafeTO



The ActiveTO program is a suite of programs

  • Major Road Closures
  • Cycling Network Expansion
  • Quiet Streets

that contribute to the health and well-being of Toronto residents by providing the space to be physically active.

#ActiveTO Initiatives include quiet streets, closing major roads for active transportation, and expanding the cycling network.

For full details on where and what is closed, etc., please visit the City of Toronto’s ActiveTO page


CaféTO will ensure that accessibility and safety are not compromised while making it easier for many restaurant and bar owners to open patios, expand them and access additional space for physical distancing, in accordance with public health guidelines (

Quiet Streets

Quiet Streets are shared space to allow residents to maintain physical distancing, while getting around on neighbourhood streets.

Signage and temporary barricades are placed at intersections to encourage slow, local vehicle access only so the roadway can be a shared space that welcomes people who walk, run or bike as an alternative to riding transit.

quiet streets - ActiveTO

Quiet Street locations have been prioritized based on several factors including population density, equity and access, access to greenspace, nearby attractions, traffic volumes and other considerations.